In today’s data-driven world, businesses are increasingly focused on measuring the impact of their investments, and language solutions are no exception. For companies operating in multiple markets, investing in multilingual communication is critical, but it’s equally important to understand the return on investment (ROI). With the right tools and metrics, ...
In an increasingly global marketplace, customers expect businesses to communicate with them in their preferred language. Offering multilingual customer support is no longer just a nice-to-have feature—it’s a necessity for businesses looking to expand internationally and maintain customer loyalty. Companies that invest in multilingual support can greatly enhance their customer ...
In today’s digital age, businesses are no longer confined to their local markets. Global expansion is becoming the norm, but with it comes the challenge of effectively communicating with diverse audiences. Localization, the process of adapting content to meet the language, cultural, and regional preferences of a specific market, has ...
With businesses increasingly operating on a global scale, the need for effective, real-time communication across languages has intensified. Remote interpretation, specifically Video Remote Interpretation (VRI) and Over-the-Phone Interpretation (OPI), has emerged as a crucial solution for companies seeking to bridge language gaps efficiently. These services allow businesses to connect with ...
In an increasingly global marketplace, customers expect businesses to communicate with them in their preferred language. Offering multilingual customer support is no longer just a nice-to-have feature—it’s a necessity for businesses looking to expand internationally and maintain customer loyalty. Companies that invest in multilingual support can greatly enhance their customer ...
This year, from September 11 to 13, Bilingual had the honor of participating in Expomina 2024, one of the most important events on the mining sector’s calendar. The fair, which brings together the industry’s key players, was an excellent opportunity to expand our network, strengthen relationships, and showcase our linguistic ...
En el ámbito de la subcontratación de procesos de negocio (BPO), la afinidad cultural es un atributo crucial pero que a menudo se pasa por alto. Al subcontratar el servicio y la asistencia al cliente, comprender los matices culturales de sus clientes puede mejorar significativamente su experiencia; Aquí es donde brillan los BPO nearshore. Comprender la afinidad cultural La afinidad cultural se refiere a lo compartido...
El panorama laboral global está experimentando una profunda transformación, impulsada por el aumento de la subcontratación remota. Esta tendencia emergente está cambiando la forma en que las empresas abordan la adquisición de talento, la productividad y las medidas de ahorro de costos. Las ventajas de la subcontratación remota La subcontratación remota ofrece una gran cantidad de beneficios para las empresas. Al acceder a un...
A medida que el mundo está cada vez más interconectado, la demanda de servicios lingüísticos sigue aumentando. En 2024, la industria de servicios lingüísticos será testigo de cambios transformadores impulsados por avances tecnológicos, matices culturales y paisajes globales en evolución. Profundicemos en algunas ideas clave que darán forma al futuro de las traducciones, interpretaciones, localizaciones y más. En ...
La creciente demografía bilingüe en EE.UU. En Estados Unidos, la población hispana alcanzó los 62,1 millones en 2020, lo que representa el 18,7% de la población total del país. Este cambio demográfico subraya la importancia del servicio al cliente bilingüe para atender a una porción importante del mercado estadounidense. Además, un estudio...